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5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs a Blog (Yes, Blogs are Worth It)4 min read

We have a lot of clients who benefit from having a blog on their website. Some provide their own articles for their website blog and some rely on our content marketing specialists to provide articles.

Having a blog, though, means keeping it updated. So, is it worth having one, knowing you need to keep it fresh?  We typically design new websites with a page dedicated to the company’s blog because, after years of digital marketing experience, we see the proof that blogs definitely help with search engine optimization. Yet organic SEO isn’t the only reason why your website needs a blog.

Read further to learn 5 reasons why having a blog on your site is worth the investment.

A Company Blog is a Digital Window

A picture containing diagram

Providing website visitors with a consistent flow of information and shared insight about your industry is a positive gesture. It lets your customers or potential clients know that you are not only an expert in your industry, but you are passionate about it. You are willing to share your knowledge. You appreciate them.

Your blog also conveys company culture.  Your articles can let clients and customers get a feel for your personality, learn about your dedicated staff, or be alerted to trends and products that are important to them. Blog topics can help highlight your company’s differentiators and emphasize why you are the go-to store or business to solve their needs.

Don’t have time to dedicate to regular blog articles? We can help. Blog writing is included in our SEO packages. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

A Way to Stay Relevant in Your Industry

Having a blog for your business builds trust. If you consistently provide information that helps existing and potential customers, you show them your business is here to stay. You stand by what your company offers, and you are committed to your line of work. When you write about current topics, you remain relevant in your industry. You can remain “part of the conversation” rather than behind the scenes and, possibly, forgotten. Moreover, consistent articles let search engines know that your site is still relevant and offering fresh content.

Use Your Blog to Sell More Stuff Online

82 percent of consumers feel more positive after reading blog content

Blog articles don’t always have to be about industry trends and insight. Occasionally, you can use your blog to share articles about a new product or service your business offers. Maybe there is an interesting story about how this new product is made or who invented it. Maybe this new product solves a trending, current pain point. (Check out our client NeverWet’s Sanitizer + Refresher Mask Spray and its accompanying blog post.)

Use your blog to answer FAQs about the products you sell. We recently helped Fire-End Croker highlight Different Types of Firefighter Hooks, with links to their product lines.

Think outside the box! Even if you don’t sell tangible items, a blog post can help you sell your services. For instance, check out this post about Gettysburg Battlefield Tours.

A Blog is an SEO Boost

Adding new content to your site via a blog can improve your organic SEO. Favorable SEO can lead to better search rank, quality leads, and, ultimately, sales growth.

Informational blog posts not only inform your clients and potential clients, but they’re also an effective way to add relevant keywords to your website. Search engines prefer sites with fresh content that uses relevant keywords and informs site visitors.

Blogs also let you link to important pages on your site, which can keep readers on your site and increases click-through rates. All this puts your site at an advantage with search engines.

Recycle Your Blog Content (More Bang for Your Buck)

In marketing, self-promotion is good but not when you shout it in people’s faces. Blogs enable you to self-promote in an authoritative, conversational, subtle way. Even better, the information in your blog articles can be recycled and used on social media platforms, in your email campaigns, and in other promotional material.

The information you’ve shared on a blog can be summarized in your next newsletter (add a link to the full blog and you’ve gained more traffic to your site!).

Your articles can be used to create social media posts. Not only can you announce a new blog article via your social media platforms, but you can create graphics that highlight a quote from your recent blog post or highlight a key phrase. You can repurpose blog content for webinars, videos, e-books, etc.

Blogging is an important part of a sound digital marketing strategy, for large and small businesses. Let us help your website get in front of the audience you want to notice it.  We can offer you a quality, personalized experience in digital marketing. Contact us today to get started.