Our Higher Purpose
It has been amazing to watch God move and go beyond anything we could have ever thought or imagined over the years. We are humbled and honored to have a company that is evolving nationally and making an impact for Underprivileged Youth across the US and oversees through our Higher Purpose Focus partners. If you are interested in being considered to become a strategic partner that could benefit from our time, treasure and/or talents, please contact us.
Central, PA
Chicago, IL
Philadelphia, PA

Higher Purpose: To love, Encourage, and Help the
Under-Privileged Youth of Lancaster County

Since Sharp Innovations was founded in 1999, we felt a strong call to support and care for the youth of Lancaster County. It is a part of our DNA; our founder’s backstory ties into this desire and as we grow and continue to provide services to our community, that desire grows exponentially. We seek to honor God in how we do business and to do so utilizing our time, treasures and talents in support of those who need them most. The way we live out this desire and this God-honoring lifestyle is by partnering with individuals and organizations who are caring for neglected, over-looked and underprivileged children. In addition to this, this passion extends to the support of single parents and widows with underprivileged children, including those in and affected by the adoption and foster care systems.
But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; You consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.
Psalm 10:14