cause marketing

Cause Marketing – Grow Your Business While Providing Clean Water in Kenya6 min read

Within every person lives the natural desire to help others, and the growing popularity of cause marketing proves it now more than ever before. In today’s world of transparency due to social media, the internet, and YouTube, we can see exactly where our dollars are going when we invest in a company. It’s not enough to provide a great service anymore; companies must also embody an ethos that is in alignment with the consumer it hopes to serve. We are all held to a higher standard, and Sharp Innovations welcomes that challenge wholeheartedly.

What is Cause Related Marketing?

  • Cause Related Marketing (CRM) is a strategic approach where a company aligns its marketing efforts and resources with a social or environmental cause, aiming to benefit both the cause and the business. In CRM, a company partners with a nonprofit organization or supports a particular cause to create mutually beneficial outcomes. The primary goals of Cause Related Marketing are:
    • Social Good: To support a charitable cause or address a societal issue, thereby contributing positively to the community or environment.
    • Brand Awareness and Reputation: To enhance the brand image and reputation by associating with a cause that resonates with the target audience, showcasing corporate social responsibility.
    • Customer Engagement: To connect with customers on a deeper level by demonstrating shared values and fostering emotional bonds through meaningful actions.
    • Increased Sales and Loyalty: To potentially drive sales by attracting socially conscious consumers who prefer to support businesses engaged in social causes, leading to increased customer loyalty.
    • Employee Engagement: To boost employee morale and engagement by involving them in meaningful initiatives that contribute to society, leading to a positive workplace culture.

CRM campaigns can take various forms, such as donating a percentage of sales to a charity, organizing fundraising events, promoting awareness through marketing channels, or implementing sustainable practices within the business operations. By incorporating Cause Related Marketing into their strategies, companies can make a positive impact on society while strengthening their brand and building lasting relationships with customers and stakeholders.

Brands That Pioneered Cause Marketing

Toms: “One for One” – For every pair of shoes Toms sold, they provide a free pair of shoes to a child in need. They were one of the first major brands to do this and have inspired a plethora of others to follow suit. When people would ask “why are Toms so expensive?”, the answer “because I’m really buying 2 pairs of shoes” quickly justified the price.

Kind Bar: Established in 2004, KIND was the brainchild of Daniel Lubetzky. He was driven to develop a snack alternative that was both tasty and healthy because of the limited options he had. This marked the inception of KIND, a brand with a vision of being not-only-for-profit®.

Warby Parker: “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” – Drawing inspiration from Toms, Warby Parker has collaborated with Vision Spring to provide complimentary eyewear to the underprivileged. Everyone deserves the gift of clear vision, making it an effortless decision to choose a company for your eyewear needs that also contributes to this global cause.

Patagonia: “We’re in business to save our home planet.” Patagonia makes a huge impact by donating their time and 1 percent of sales to help hundreds of grassroots organizations all over the world so that they can remain vigilant and protect what’s irreplaceable. From Patagonia’s Mission Statement “At the same time, we know that we risk saving a tree only to lose the forest—a livable planet. As the loss of biodiversity, arable soils, coral reefs and fresh water all accelerate, we are doing our best to address the causes, and not just symptoms, of global warming.”

Sharp Innovations Causes & Higher Purpose

At Sharp Innovations, we don’t shy away from tackling the more heart wrenching causes. We partner with companies like Matanya’s Hope to help bring clean water, porridge, bicycles, and other necessities to communities in Kenya. We also have created our own initiatives local to us in the Lancaster, PA area that help to service the underprivileged youth. Our Higher Purpose drives us to not only go above and beyond to serve our clients, but also to make a major impact on the world. 

Why It’s Important to Invest in a Cause Related Marketing Company

By choosing to invest in a company that employs cause-related marketing, you are maximizing the value of your dollar twice over. Not only do you obtain the product or service you need, but you also contribute to a cause you deeply care about. Remember, each dollar you spend in the modern world signifies a vote, so be informed about what your money supports! When it comes to your business investments, it becomes increasingly crucial to partner with a firm that mirrors your values. Inform your customers about the positive impact being made when they support your business, especially when you engage with a web design and marketing company committed to cause-related initiatives. By doing so, your customers will know their money is also being utilized for good.

How to Get More Involved With Matanya’s Hope

We take immense pride in continuing our support towards Matanya’s Hope through our cause-related marketing. Our relentless commitment to serve countless businesses propels us towards our fiscal objectives, enabling us to make generous contributions and sponsorships for essentials like rainwater tanks, bicycles, porridge, and wells. Identifying a credible non-profit to associate with can be daunting, which is why we wholeheartedly endorse Matanya’s Hope. Their transparent operations help you monitor the impact of your donations and maintain a personal connection with beneficiaries in Kenya.

How to Incorporate Cause Related Marketing in Your Business

Implementing cause-related marketing into your business model doesn’t have to be difficult, and it can yield significant rewards. Not only can it uplift your team’s morale, but it can also serve as a motivational booster. Businesses that focus on more than just profit usually thrive and endure more than those that don’t. This is because they understand that they are making a difference not just by offering excellent service and creating jobs, but also by supporting meaningful causes. Sharp Innovations can guide you to find a cause that fits your ethos and incorporate it into your marketing strategy. By partnering with Sharp, you are already participating in cause marketing by continuing to invest. Connect with our team today to learn more!