Month: October 2014

Get to Know Your Bounce Rate

Analytics drive business decisions every day, and the same should be true for your website. Key website metrics like unique visitors and organic search performance are frequently cited data points. But something called “bounce rate,” can tell an important tale of your site’s overall performance, as well.

For the unfamiliar, bounce rate is simply the percentage of visitors who hit any page on your website and leave without moving to another page on your site. This is an important metric, because Continue reading

Thinking about a new website? Ask yourself these 5 questions

6 Step Discovery Process for a new website

Thinking about having a new website developed may seem like a daunting task. There are design aspects, content considerations, social media strategies, and any number of other variables that cause “paralysis by analysis.” But it doesn’t need to be that way.

We like to think developing a new website is much like building a new home. Before a single brick is laid, you’ll want to choose a location, select an architect, talk about your ideas, and develop a plan. Then you’ll want to meet your builders, and get the process started. At Sharp Innovations, we’ll take you through a similar process to develop a new website. When you engage in our 6 –Step Discovery Process, our team will become the architects for your website, designing a plan and guiding you through steps that involve discovery, design, content, building, quality assurance, launch, and ongoing marketing.
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