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Market: Ministry & Non-Profit

Non-profits and faith-based entities often face a limited marketing budget. They also tend to thrive most when their supporters are enthusiastic and involved. 



Sharp Innovation has been led by God since its inception in 1999 and powered by uniquely gifted and devoted team members ever since. We establish long-term, strategic partnerships with faith-based and non-profit organizations to help them accomplish donor growth and meet budgetary needs. Our marketing team can harness opportunity and appeal to your audience’s goodwill to create an online presence that lifts your non-profit or faith-based organization and helps it gain more support and engagement.


Organizations that rely on donors and/or growth in volunteerism need attractive and engaging websites that are also streamlined. Calls to action must be obvious and messaging must be inspiring. Faith-based and non-profits with limited staff need to be able to add fresh content, relevant news, and current donation campaigns to their sites through internal updates, rather than having to seek and pay for tech support outside their organizations. We recently provided this type of solution to World Team USA. Riveting stories can be easily updated through its new WordPress site and staff can pull analytics to determine the success of their donor campaigns and adjust accordingly. 


 Let’s start growing your donor support


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