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Portfolio: Keith Smith Concrete

Keith Smith Concrete

  1. Comprehensive website redesign
  2. Custom homepage animation
  3. Full-feature photo gallery
  4. Blog redesign and integration
  5. Social media and video integration


Local concrete specialists Keith D. Smith and team had an old website that was falling behind the times and becoming dated. In order to boost their clientele and get the word about their high quality work out, they consulted with Sharp Innovations, Inc to bring their site into modern times.


Keith Smith's craftsmanship and quality speaks for itself so the team at Sharp Innovations decided to show what Smith's did best. The new site is fitted with a completely responsive design and a custom animation section, as well as a split gallery section showing off the different sections of the company. The new website focuses on imagery, allowing Keith Smith Concrete's work to speak for itself. Additionally, the previous site lacked detailed information on the vast variety of professional services the company provides so an effort was made to ensure they would be more organized and easily accessible on the new website. The result is a beautiful, modernized website that stays out of the way when needed to let the imagery do the talking.

    Categories: Design & Development, Business to Consumer "B2C"

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